CMOS Logic Gates 8.1 The Inverter 8.2 NAND and NOR Gates 8.3 Complex Logic Gates 8.4 The Microwind Compile Command 8.5 Tri-State Circuits 8.6 Large FETs 8.7 Transmission Gates and Pass Logic 8.8 References 8.9 Exercises MOSFET Modeling with SPICE 7.1 SPICE Levels 7.2 MOSFET Modeling in Microwind 7.3 Circuit Extraction 7.4 Microwind Level 3 and BSIM4 Equations 7.5 References 7.6 Exercises MOSFETs 6.1 MOSFET Operation 6.2 MOSFET Switch Models 6.3 The Square Law Model 6.4 MOSFET Parasitics 6.5 Comments on Devise Layout 6.6 References 6.7 Exercises CMOS Design Rules 5.1 Types of Rules 5.2 The SCMOS Design Rule Set 5.3 FET Layout 5.4 References 5.5 Exercises Using a Layout Editor 4.1 Lambda-Based Layout 4.2 Rectangles and Polygons 4.3 The MOS Generator Revisited 4.4 Summary 4.5 Exercises CMOS Technology 3.1 Meet the MOSFETs 3.2 CMOS Fabrication 3.3 Submicron CMOS Processes 3.4 Process Technologies in Microwind 3.5 Masks and Layout 3.6 The Microwind MOS Generator 3.7 Chapter Summary and Roadmap 3.8 References 3.9 Exercises Views of a Chip 2.1 The Design Hierarchy 2.2 Integrated Circuit Layers 2.3 Photolithography and Patter Transfer 2.4 Planarization 2.5 Electrical Characteristics 2.6 Silicon Characteristics 2.7 Overview of Layout Design 2.8 References 2.9 Exercises

Installing the Microwind Software 1.1 Getting Started 1.2 Exploring Microwind 1.3 Installing Dsch 1.4 Plan of the Book 1.5 Some Important Details 1.6 References Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index.